Sunday, February 24, 2008

Location Paintings


Nathan C. said...

Do you have an email or somewhere we can contact you or ask you questions? I love your work and I was wondering if I could write to you or email a few questions?

Nathan Cunliffe

MarzArt said...

Hi Jeff!
Wonderful art work (as usual).
Trying to locate all the old art dept folks from Hanna Barbera & have contacted several. I can't find Dennis V. though. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
If you or Dennis is on Face Book, take a look at my site. You can contact me through that site. Lots of pretty photos of archetechture & various beautiful items.
Hope to have some sort of reunion/networking get together with everyone. Meeting with Jim Hickey next week:)
Take care. Hope all is going well with you & your family:)

MarzArt said...

Want a Hanna Barbera art Dept. reunion?

Unknown said...

Hi Jeff:

It was so good to see you at your Mother's home on Saturday. This is being sent via an account my son has.
Please send an email to the address on the card I gave you.



colinatbloggomize said...

Hi Jeff Richards.
I hope this is the Jeff Richards from chatsworth high school. I lived down the street from you. You often told me how you dreamed of being an artist. Congratulations. Your work is amazing. All the best.

Unknown said...

Jeff i think I just purchased one of your early paintings. Could I email you a pic to verify?